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This is Not an Obstacle, it’s an Opportunity

Many businesses have been shutdown nationwide due to the current pandemic. Understandably there is frustration and anxiety, but I am one who always looks for a bit of positivity in every situation. This situation is unique, but there are many opportunities that have presented themselves. I want to focus on 3 distinct opportunities that lie before us presently: rest/self care, family/friendships, and pursuit of vision.

Rest/Self Care

Use this time wisely. Before we know it, we may be back to work and our daily grind will commence. However, the return will likely be intense. Whatever was left at the announcement of the shutdown will be there waiting, with new business ready to move forward. Rest right now is imperative. Now, many may be thinking that rest is impossible with all of the financial uncertainty in the midst. You may not be a person that shares my faith, but there is a scripture that really gets me through seasons or moments of anxiety. The Apostle Paul declared in Phillipians chapter 4, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” The key to rest is having peace. Peace transcends every situation and storm, and this peace is attainable.


This time “off” should be utilized to build sand strengthen familial relationships and bonds. Because of the rat race, many of us seldom have time to eat at the dinner table as a family (anyone else grow up that way?). The usual pattern revolves around kids being rushed off to school, parents running to work, and then a scramble to get home, fed, showered, and in the bed…. Repeat. But now, consider all the time we have to enjoy our families and friends. Imagine the strength of your circle if you used this time to pour 40 hours a week into building your familial unit. Furthermore, consider the impact on your friendships if the same principle was applied. This is a golden opportunity!

Pursuit of Vision

Now, my favorite part. That book you’ve envisioned writing… write it! That small business you’ve contemplated launching, launch it! This is it! You have literally been freed up to pursue your passion. Want to learn to play an instrument? Do it! The sky is the limit, and we can’t waste this opportunity. I believe that we will recover from this, stronger than ever. But until then, let’s not waste all of this time binge watching our favorite shows! I pray that we can look back at the end of this pandemic and declare, “something good came out of this!”

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